Monday, 11 July 2011

Time for an update

Well a small update folks. I sent off another progress payment thingo today, and as soon as I had, I got a phone call from HBC saying they know I'm pretty on top of it but that they'd sent on out (to which I replied it was already done again ::lol:: ). Anyways, they had also had a phonecall from my cabinet maker saying that the benchtop selection I'd made for the kitchen was having problems at the manufacturing level and that they wouldn't be able to warrant it if they released it in the state it was coming out in, so allowed me to reselect another colour, which I did 15 minutes later. Have changed from the Peral Silver to Satin Silver. Slightly less metallic look, but still a shiny, straighter pattern on it (which will match the floors better in my opinion!).

To also make the day a little better, I'd seen the plumbers at the house earlier in passing, but stopped in and had a chat with them on the way back here, and found them looking at the shower head attachement in my ensuite. Perfect timing! I'd thought about this a cppl of weeks ago at work, wondering if it would be too close to the wall (which it was where they had it positioned), and they too were considering calling the office to ask if they could move it out some more (500mm instead of 300mm from the wall). Pretty much just said, "Do it!" It was the first one they'd ever done too, so was a small learning curve for them. Once again, one of those things you don't normally see in a HBC house. ::lol::

The Top Hat (see Roof) should be going on tomorrow and I imagine the electrical might be done by then too. FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!

Pic's of the roof framework for ya's!

 And a pic of the cool wine glasses I picked up in Augusta;

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