Saturday, 3 December 2011

The Final Countdown

So I had my PCI last thursday week before last, and whilst we did have some things that needed attention, they were small things. The things we picked up were mainly touch up paint here and there, a bit of mortar filling above the sliding door and around a couple of windows, the kickboard below he oven wasn't flush and the shower screen in the Ensuite leaked in the bottom corners. The laundry blind was still to be replaced because they couldn't remove what looked like paint overspray on it but would give me handover regardless of when that was to arrive (2 weeks at the time). Also the A/C controller still had to be done but that happened the next day as expected. The new blind and the waterproofing in the Ensuite are scheduled to be done tomorrow (Monday) and I've had an appointment booked for Handover when I get back from the current work stint this Thursday! Exciting times! Then it'll be a case of moving in and getting the secruity installed.

I've also organised to have the phone and internet connected in a couple of weeks when I'll be at work, so Dad has agreed to be there to let them in for me. The only other thing thats still a work in progress is the landscaping. I've got a revised plan now which takes into account me doing part of the work myself and them doing the heavy lifting. I'm going to be sourcing the different stones myself (cos lets face it, how hard is it to spread blue metal or river stones around) which should save me a few hundred dollars.

What do you think?

The 5 little squares in the front area are going to be limestone blocks left over from when the parents did their retaining wall. They're 1m x 0.3m x 0.3m in size and I plan to be standing them up on their ends and buried at different heights for an abstract effect. Also changed one of the plant selections from the first design (and unfortunately can't change the street tree - a peppermint tree - because of council requirements) and should be as follows;

ST - AGONIS flexuosa (Peppermint Tree) - I don't like this one and it might not live for long due to a potential unforseen accident!

S - STRELITZIA reginae (Bird of Paradise)

C -CORDYLINE chocolate mint

X - FESTUCA glauca (Blue Mountain Grass)

L - LOMANDRA lime wave

M - MAGNOLIA kay parris

D - DRACENA draco

The large centre area where the Draco amd limestone blocks are going will be Black polished river stones, with Quart running down the long section with the pavers in it. To the left of the driveway will just be blue metal for practical, low maintenance use, with the triangle being synthetic grass as it is for appearances only. The portions along the right side of the driveway, around the front bedroom and on the verge will be mulched garden beds.

The section out the bak where the pavers are displayed is likey to just be grass now, as the pavers set in the grass is quite expensive and potentially high maintenance.

Also, here's a pic of the front of the house with the garage door on from a couple of weeks ago.